Nepal-based summer program, called 85°East just launched

Nepal-based summer program, called 85°East just launched

Designed for undergraduate and graduate students and builds on students’ individual learning goals by finding projects and programs that caters to each student’s interests, all the while providing an academic support structure to ensure they get the most out of their experience. The goal of the Summer 2017 program is to give students the freedom to pursue a creative independent project or internship (70 percent of their time), while providing a framework for academic and personal growth (30 percent of the time will be spent on structured seminars to more deeply understand context specific, adaptive challenges and opportunities.) The cost to the student (excluding airfare) would be $2000 for the 9-10 weeks from early June to mid-August. That covers an internship placement and all associated local travel costs, orientation, living arrangements including housing, food, and laundry, and an academic framework including short weekly readings and a weekly seminar. (


You can find two documents that explains the program in detail at:  
